on rainy days my BMW 75RT sometimes dies. I leave it for approx 20mins and it will start, all be it erratically. The next day it will start no problem. The bike seems to work ok in the dry.
Engine cuts out on bmw motor cycle when wet?cafe racer
I had much the same problem with my r80rt in the end I replaced the ignition coil and that did the trick turned out to be cracked and previous owner had just pumped loads of wd40 into it a good place to get a new one is Motorworks phone 0845 584077 or go on line to http://www.motorworks.co.uk/bmw/home.php I highly recommend them very helpful and very quick a human answers the phone not a robot
Engine cuts out on bmw motor cycle when wet?free anti virus
it water getting to the plug wire are under the cap, to fix the problem, you can buy a spray to spray the plug wire an cap,,,this will help you with the problem, ask at you part place for this spray
One of the waterproof connections in the ignition circuit--or, if the bike has fuel injection, it could be there, too--is leaking.
And, it is a connection that is affected by the heat coming off the engine, so I'd start troubleshooting with that in mind. Best of luck.
Change your plug wires, or if you can start it up late at night here its completely dark and see is you can see any blue arc coming from the wires,but most likely that's what it is.
aw the old boxer has a problem huh? this was sadly a problem with them. and i bet you need to replace your coil. thats probally all there is to it. R/60,75,80,90;s all seemded to like that problem. the new BMW coils are better so just get your self a new one and enjoy another 100K miles my freind
Sounds electrical. Start with the cheap stuff first. Replace your ignition wires. As long as you have the spark plugs exposed, replace them too. Apply a small amount of silicone dialectric grease to the boots before you reinstall them. This will help removing the boots the next time, and aid in keeping moisture out. Available at almost any auto parts store.
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