Sunday, September 20, 2009

I have a 1992 BMW 525i and the radio is telling me i need to input a code.?

I have a 1992 BMW 525i, a week ago the battery died and when i got it running again the radio would not turn on until you input a "code" i dont know what the code is and i dont have the original manual. Does anyone have any advice to where i might be able to find my cars "rado code"

I have a 1992 BMW 525i and the radio is telling me i need to input a code.?free spyware remover

A BMW dealership should have these records thats if the radio is a standard BMW fixture, you will need the cars vehicle identification number for them to retrieve it. I know that with GMH vehicles this can be done.

I have a 1992 BMW 525i and the radio is telling me i need to input a code.?ktm

This is an anti theft feature with that and many other radio's you will have to contact a dealer for the code to unlock it .. there may be sites on line that will provide a code but , think about it what's to stop someone who just stole your radio from getting it there too .. so just call or go into a BMW dealer and they can help you out ..
post the complete radio model and serial number and i'll try to help. you may need to make a new question out of it as you are running out of time.
Go to your local BMW dealer and they can give you the code.
that means that you need to take it to a dealership for themt o give you the code but dont worry!! you dont need to make a appoitment or get the car service usually you just need to pull in to the service drive and tell them what you need have fun
You can get the code from your local BMW dealer. They have it in their computer system. Take the car and radio to the dealer and they can look it up.
Go to BMW Dealer with Title in your name with VIN # , radio serial # and drivers license/ picture ID. It is free. It is the same procedure for getting a key cut if all keys are lost to the BMW.

Sounds like a security feature this site might be able to help you
BMW radios need the code after the power is interrupted to the radio. The code is printed on a card that should be in the pack with the owners manual / radio manual. The dealer can give you the code too. Find out why the power went out - replaced battery / fuse / removed radio / other dashboard work.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent and informative blog. Thanks for posting this. It’s informative and enlightening. Keep up the good work. BMW 525i Melbourne
